Whether it is your first time going to a physical therapist or you have experienced physical therapy treatment before, when you’re in need of assistance, it’s crucial to choose the right physical therapy clinic to fit your needs. Here are some guidelines to help you choose the right physical therapy clinic so you can get the best treatment possible.
Know What to Look for in a Physical Therapy Clinic
- Certifications: at the bare minimum, the clinic you choose should have certified, licensed physical therapists.
- Specialties: some clinics will go above and beyond, offering a variety of specialty services that can help you with more specific needs.
- Equipment: while going to a physical therapy clinic that has the most high-tech and expensive equipment isn’t a necessity, you may see better results more quickly if you have access to specialized equipment.
- Hours and Location: you may be going to physical therapy multiple times a week for a period of time, so be sure the hours and location are convenient for you so you never have to skip an appointment.
- Insurance: you will likely want to use your insurance to cover your physical therapy bills, so always check that the physical therapy clinic you choose is in network and know how much they will cover.
- Level of Care: the level of care you get at any physical therapy clinic can vary. Find a clinic that will keep a close eye on your progress and adjust your treatment when needed.
Learn more about what to look for in a physical therapy clinic.
Consider Why You Want or Need Physical Therapy
Some people may be referred to a physical therapist by another physician, while other people may seek out physical therapy on their own. There are a wide variety of reasons people begin treatment with a physical therapist, and not all clinics can accommodate specialized needs. So, before you select a physical therapy clinic, be sure they have therapists that can help you.
Core Stabilization
The core is “at the core” of how well our bodies move and function. Having a solid foundation of core stabilization will help you minimize the risk of injury, decrease pain, and improve overall function.
Learn More About Core Stabilization
Hand Therapy
It is not uncommon to lose function in the hand or arm, especially these days with the amount of time many people spend typing on a computer or performing other repetitive motions that can cause too much stress on the hands. Hand therapy can treat carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, swelling, numbness, tingling, arthritis, joint stiffness, dislocations, sprains, and congenital defects, and much more.
Sports Medicine
If you are an athlete, weekend warrior, or performing artist, sports medicine focused physical therapy can be incredibly helpful, if not necessary, to maintain optimal performance, prevent injury, or heal from a current injury. Training that can be done both in the physical therapy clinic and “on-field” is most beneficial.
Learn More about Sports Medicine
Industrial Rehabilitation
Being injured on the job can require specialized therapy called industrial rehab. If you are injured on the job or trying to prevent a work-related injury, you may have better success with a therapist that is experienced in the specific work-related body mechanics and general conditioning for your particular job.
Other Specialties and Cutting-Edge Techniques
Beyond basic physical therapy, seeking treatment at a clinic that also offers other specialties and cutting-edge techniques can bring you more success in your treatment. You may want to find a physical therapy clinic that offers:
- MLS Laser Therapy: MLS Laser Therapy uses FDA-cleared, Class IV technology to speed up the process of relieving inflammation and pain associated with many conditions using light energy and specific wavelengths.
- Cupping Therapy: this ancient form of alternative medicine uses glass, rubber, or plastic cups on the surface of the skin to help with pain, inflammation, and blood flow, and it is quite relaxing.
- Dry Needling: used to treat dysfunctions in skeletal muscle, fascia, and connective tissue; this therapy allows the release of underlying myofascial trigger points, movement impairments, and muscular and connective tissues for the management of pain.
- Blood Flow Restriction Therapy: BFR is used primarily for a rapid increase of strength and hypertrophy (increased size of muscle tissue) for patients who have muscle atrophy due to an inactive period following an injury.
- Pelvic Health Management: also called pelvic floor therapy, this can address issues specific to the pelvic region, including incontinence, overactive bladder, constipation, pelvic floor prolapse, pelvic pain disorders, and dyspareunia (painful intercourse) as well as pregnancy and postpartum care.
Learn More About Specialty Services
Find the Right Physical Therapy Clinic with Peak Sport and Spine
Peak Sport and Spine is a 100% therapist-owned company with more than 45 locations in Missouri, giving you access to the highest quality services and therapists in a variety of specialty areas. Our clinics and therapists strive for a patient-focused approach while providing cost-effective care. We accept all major insurance carriers and verify coverage with your insurance carrier before treatment. Visit the website to find a clinic near you or to schedule an appointment today.