Physical therapy can help you get back on track and feeling good again, whether you’re coping with an acute injury, post-surgery rehab, or a chronic illness that affects physical function. Your time in physical therapy can make the difference between a full and healthy recovery and a risk of future problems occurring. There are plenty of other benefits that come with PT as well.
1. Reduce, Manage, or Eliminate Pain
Pain is one of the most common reasons patients seek physical therapy. This pain could be caused by a number of things like a work-related injury, sports injury, car accident, or just day-to-day physical stressors. Physical therapists utilize a range of techniques to help patients achieve pain relief or even eliminate pain altogether, including specific exercises, manual therapy, and electrical stimulation. By reducing or eliminating pain in a natural way with PT, patients can often avoid the need for opioid pain medication.
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2. Avoid Surgery
Physical therapy can help people avoid surgery in some cases. For example, if a patient has a herniated disc, physical therapy may be used to reduce pain and inflammation to the point where surgery is no longer required. In some circumstances, physical treatment may be advised instead of surgery. Patients suffering from arthritis, for example, may receive treatment via physical therapy rather than joint replacement surgery. It is always worth it to try a non-invasive option like PT before scheduling a major surgery.
3. Recover After Surgery
For some patients, surgery may still be advised, but PT can be highly beneficial in the recovery process. Following surgery, some people may require assistance in regaining their strength and range of motion. This is especially true for people who have undergone orthopedic surgery, such as a knee replacement. Physical therapists can help patients in recovering and returning to their normal level of function so they can get back to living their lives.
4. Pre-Surgery Rehabilitation
For those who are advised that surgery is the best option, “pre-hab” can be used before surgery is performed to improve the overall outcome. The vast majority of patients who participate in an inpatient physical therapy environment recover quickly following surgery. With the help of pre-hab, patients could even be allowed to participate in light weight-bearing activities such as walking, mild exercising, and using stairs just a few hours after surgery.
5. Heal Sports Injuries
Injuries in sports are common, especially when playing contact sports or training intensely in the gym. Sports physical therapy works towards relieving pain, restoring function, increasing strength and flexibility, and optimizing performance. Additionally, physical therapists can educate players on how to avoid future injuries. Peak Sport and Spine Physical Therapy’s comprehensive and industry-leading Sports Medicine Program is tailored to meet the physical demands of the athlete, the weekend warrior, and the performing artist.
Learn More About Sports Medicine and Athletic Training
6. Avoid or Heal a Workplace Injury
Some jobs can be very physically demanding and cause an injury. Patients who have already been injured at work can participate in Industrial Rehabilitation PT which can involve a variety of treatment options to heal a present injury. This may include general conditioning, body mechanics education, postural tolerances, therapy exercises, and instruction on how to do work tasks in a safe way.
Learn More About Industrial Rehabilitation
7. Address Musculoskeletal Conditions
Musculoskeletal conditions like arthritis, osteoporosis, and tendonitis can be managed with the help of a physical therapist. Physical therapists are experts in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders such as arthritis, osteoporosis, and tendonitis. They are trained to use a number of approaches to assist their patients in finding pain relief and improving mobility. Also, physical therapists can inform patients on how to effectively manage their specific condition outside of therapy and avoid having the condition progress.
8. Help With Coordination and Balance
Problems with balance and coordination often lead to falls, which can result in severe injuries. Physical therapists can help patients improve their mobility, balance, and coordination to lower the risk of falls while also improving overall safety. When a balance problem is caused by an issue with the vestibular system, physical therapists can use specific techniques to restore normal vestibular functioning and reduce or eliminate feelings of dizziness or vertigo.
9. Establish A Good Home Exercise Program
Physical therapy is more than simply what happens with a therapist in the clinic. It’s also about what can be done at home. Physical therapists frequently develop home exercise regimens (HEPs) for their patients. HEPs are intended to assist patients in maintaining their improvement after they leave the clinic. A home exercise program can greatly improve the overall outcome and can be used once regular clinic visits have stopped or become less frequent.
10. Improve Overall Quality of Life
Physical therapy may improve a person’s overall health and well-being. Physical therapy techniques can help reduce tension, enhance sleep, and promote relaxation. Along with more traditional physical therapy techniques, patients can benefit from other services like core stabilization, laser therapy, cupping therapy, dry needling, blood flow restriction therapy, and pelvic floor therapy. Patients can walk away from their PT experience with much better lifestyle habits that will keep them feeling great throughout their life.
Learn More About Specialty PT Services
Find a Physical Therapy Clinic Near You
Peak Sport and Spine is the first choice of patients and physicians for physical therapy in the Midwest due to specialized expert clinicians. We advance the practice of physical therapy through a comprehensive examination of treatment methodologies in order to provide patients with the most efficient and cutting-edge techniques available in a caring manner to eliminate their core problem. Find a location near you today and experience the benefits of physical therapy for yourself.